
SemsoTec develops the software
that implements your ideas

With an experienced team from architect to tester. Our team can go on site for you or work remotely from within the SemsoTec Group.


Development methodologies

V-Model, Scrum, XP


C/C++, C#, Python, Qt, Vue, Lumen, Postgres, Linux/Windows/RTOS


Embedded systems

Software for microcontrollers (ARM, PIC, etc.) in C/C++ covering different aspects (low-energy, safety, endurance, RF)

Communication interfaces: RS232, CAN-FD, USB, I2C, SPI, Zigbee, BT, GSM


Software for measurement and control tasks. Data evaluation and processing

HMI systems based on Qt or HTML


Device monitoring and management as an SAS solution

Communication backend (MQTT, REST, Websocket) on demand incl. API and/or frontend API


Implementation of UIs and workflows (not design) with current HTML/JS technology (Vue)

Endnutzer der auf Smartphone schaut
SemsoTec Fast Solutions
SemsoTec ES&P
SemsoTec Iligenta
JBM Suisse Corperation
SemsoTec Czech
SemsoTec Holding
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